Android Lollipop 5.1.1 review

Android Lollipop isn't a baby anymore – it's been around for almost a year. And, now that we have the benefit of hindsight, has it been a success or will it be remembered as a bit of a dud in the development of Google's Android operating system?

Up-to-date Nexus devices now run Android 5.1.1, which has had a few tweaks that address some of the things people really hated about Android Lollipop when version 5.0 first arrived back in 2014. Doesn't time fly in the tech world?
I'll take a quick look at what has changed since the software launched, before diving into a full appraisal of the Lollipop software, which is set to be kicked into the past by Android Marshmallow very soon. Later on in this review I'll also give you an overview of what's changing in the next version of Android.

Do take into account though that unless you're running a Nexus device, it's likely that only parts of this review will apply to your phone. Just about every other phone uses, on some level, custom software that significantly alters how the phone looks and operates.